Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

Here be my final entry for this blog.  

My 365 project was an interesting one and something that brought mixed blessings.  Camera challenges and internet challenges, (and not to mention life's curveballs in general) made it a chore some days, but it has been nice to scroll back through the year and see all those snaps.

Watching the progression from where we were then to where we are now has provided much food for thought.  Life always brings ups and downs and never quite in the order we'd like ... ups followed by another up, and downs followed by more downs.  Despite 2009's inauspicious start, I still have hope that this year can somehow be better.

I won't be doing the photo project again in 2009 although I have similar, more personal plans in mind.  Thank you for checking in during the journey, and for your comments along the way.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve

Bubbacino smooches from my coffee buddy.

Still More

Patio weeds.

Even the garden is feeling festive.

Nappy run!!

Helping in the garden (because she's too short yet to wash the windows).

Cool McGool.

More backlog


It's not a soapbox, but she's working her way up.

Big mouth.


Is your bath running?  You'd better go and catch it then.

More backlog

Unwrapping a special present all the way from Nanna in WA on Christmas morning.


Something lost in the translation of "Fetch Enzo a Pepsi". (And no, the can is not open.  She's not that dextrous yet...)


No rain for a while and the lake is looow.

Le chat est dans la maison.

Big rain and the lake is hiiiigh. (Compare with a shot of the same lake here)

Playing very quietly in the "cubby".

Our caped crusader once more brings order to the fridge magnets.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Reading table at the Mind Body Spirit Festival.


Enzo at the moment Julia Zemiro appeared onstage for the RockWiz taping.

Power source found at Gloria Jeans.

Bunnings.  (And I did flip the photo....)

Girl on a mission, driving her spaceship.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Mind the Gap

"Salad Flavoured Biscuit Stick"

Yoga Baby

A perfect downward dog pose.  Must be all the yoga I did when I was pregnant.


What better place on a hot day than the air-conditioned comfort of an indoor play centre?

Lego Phone

Hello?  It's Heaven calling.  We're missing one of our angels...

Blurred but Beautiful

First foray into the bouncy castle.  She's wobbly but oh so determined.

Kicking back with a good notebook.

All dressed up and heading for the door.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Found while rummaging for my house keys.  Nice. (Thanks Kim, chocolate problem solved).


Waiting in line as patiently as a little girl can.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


This was the window decoration on a restaurant I passed today after cawfee with Kim.


Runner, Roots and Legs

This walking business takes too long.  She's running now.

My Canadian friends don't find this half as funny as dressing our child in things labelled "Pooh".

Random shadow photo.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Day One of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month).  I wrote 1670 words after I took this photo.  Only 48,330 to go.


A cuddle for Mum ... but just a quick one.